Sunday Worship 20250302

Sunday Worship 20250302

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton As we aspire to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we are Rooted in Faith, and Growing in Love. We endeavor to be a welcoming and affirming community of grace for all people, loving our neighbors because God first loved us. Art Notes: JESUS MAFA, Transfiguration, from "Art in the Christian Tradition," a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN JESUS MAFA is a response to New Testament Scripture readings by a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa. Each of the readings was selected and adapted to dramatic interpretation by the community members. Photographs of their interpretations were made, and these were then transcribed to paintings. In this theatrical representation of Jesus’ transfiguration, Jesus is robed in a dazzling white garment, as the story in the gospels describes. He appears to be greeting Moses and Elijah like old friends as they are surrounded by a cloud that makes the whole scene feel ethereal. Peter, James, and John look on with flabbergasted and fearful expressions, bewildered at what they should do. This painting invites the viewer to imagine what it would be like to have seen such amazing things. Undoubtedly, it would inspire one to follow and obey Jesus, just as God commands in the story: “This is my son, the beloved. Listen to him!” March 2, 2025 · 10:45 am · Transfiguration Sunday The Call to Worship will be "O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair." Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will lead the Passing of the Peace. The Songs of Praise will be "Your Light Has Come" and "Surely the Presence of the Lord." Whitney Bishop will read Exodus 34:29-35. Rev. Chris Cottingham and Pam Willoughby will sing "Be Still for the Presence." Ian Coulter will read Luke 9:28-36. The Offertory Hymn will be "Sweet, Sweet Spirit." Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will give the Offertory Prayer. Richard Reynolds Huss will play "Fairest Lord Jesus" for the Offertory. The Sanctuary Choir will sing "At the Name of Jesus." Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will preach the sermon "Encountering the Holy." The Hymns of Response will be "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" and "Shine, Jesus, Shine."