Act Out The Alphabet | Jack Hartmann

Act Out The Alphabet | Jack Hartmann

Act Out the Alphabet by Jack Hartmann is a fun, kinesthetic letter sounds song. It's one of my favorites because it engages children in creative active movement. Jack Hartmann clearly and accurately says each letter sound and a word that begins with that letter to act out. Act Out the Alphabet aligns with the Common Core standard for Phonics, (ccss.ela-literacy.RF.K.3a). Demonstrating basic knowledge of one-to-one letter sound correspondences. This letter sounds song is also excellent for basic alphabet recognition. As I say each letter we clearly show the upper and lower case letter for children to see. I demonstrate the motion for the action words so children can see how to move. Your children will love singing and moving to this letter sounds song daily; helping them learn their letter sounds. Teachers tell me it's one of their favorites for developing phonological awareness and working on phonics skills. Lyrics: Act Out The Alphabet Move your body like a monster Chomp your arms like a shark Pump it up like a body builder Take a bow like you’re a star Here’s your chance to be an actor Do your best Act out the alphabet! A says a a alligator, alligator B says b b bounce, bounce C says c c cold, cold D says d d dive, dive E says e e exercise, exercise F says f f fishing, fishing G says g g gooey, gooey H says h h hula, hula Act out more words I says i i insect, insect J says j j jiggle, jiggle K says k k karate, karate L says l l laugh, laugh M says m m march, march N says n n nod, nod O says o o opera, opera P says p p pull, pull Let’s have more fun Q says q q quiet, quiet R says r r run, run S says s s surf, surf T says t t tickle, tickle U says u u under, under V says v v vibrate, vibrate W says w w wag, wag X says x x like in box, like in box Y says y y yawn, yawn Z says z z zig-zag, zig-zag Today we’ve had some fun acting - you did your best to act out the alphabet! Jack Hartmann's website: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook:   / hop2itmusic   Pinterest:   / jackhartmann   YouTube: https://    / jackhartmann   Twitter:   / jack_hartmann   Google+: You can find Jack Hartmann's Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: CD Baby: