HOW TO START YOUR FITNESS JOURNEY | tips to be consistent & disciplined
how to start your fitness journey as a beginner! How to form healthy habits with consistent daily morning and night routines, how to get started at the gym, and rituals to form a productive day that works for you. If you're ready to get started filling your day with intentional choices and mindful activities that help create a balanced lifestyle, LOCK IN! 🌵 S U B S C R I B E ► https://bit.ly/2TtEZOl 🌵 I N S T A G R A M ►   / heathermaldonado_  🌵 T I K T O K ►   / heathermaldonado_  🌵 S U B S ► 4.8K timestamps: 0:00 how to start your fitness journey 1:36 how to start working out 5:34 how to start eating right 13:22 how to have discipline 16:38 make evenings work for you self care, healthy habits, body transformation, weight loss journey, that girl, that girl routine, aesthetic vlog, healthy, fitness, morning routine, night routine, routine, fitness journey, how to start your fitness journey,