होटल जैसा वेज दम हांडी बनाने का सबसे आसान और अनोखा तरीका | Mix Veg Handi Recipe
होटल जैसा वेज दम हांडी बनाने का सबसे आसान और अनोखा तरीका | Mix Veg Handi,mix veg sabji, mix veg recipe, mix veg, mix veg soup, mix veg curry, mix veg sabji recipe, mix vegetable soup, mix veg kaise banaen, mix veg paratha, mix veg bhaji Ingredients Potato - 2 Tomato - 2 Onion - 2 Carrot - 1 Cauliflower - 300gm Cashew - 4-5 Cardamom - 2 Cloves - 3 Peppercorn - 5-6 Cumin - 1/2tsp Cinnamon - Small piece Ghee - 1tsp Coriander seeds -1tbs Salt Paneer -3-4 piece Frozen peas -1/3cup Paneer-100gm Coriander powder -2tsp Chilli powder -1tsp Turmeric -1/4tsp Schezwan chutney -1tsp Water Oil-2tbsp Cumin-1/2tsp Bay leaf Salt Cream/malai - 1/4cup Chilli- 3 Coriander our product link- Handi- https://amzn.to/3tGRAFc cooker- https://amzn.to/472xnIv serving plate- https://amzn.to/3Mhz5hj plate- https://amzn.to/3Se5KrO glass bowl- https://amzn.to/45L4AXY spoon- https://amzn.to/3tPJLgI mixer jar- https://amzn.to/3QfiuM2 knife- https://amzn.to/45LxXsY katori- https://amzn.to/3tKYfyi measuring cup- https://amzn.to/3S9qjFL serving plate-https://amzn.to/3rZJbfQ garam masala -https://bhojmasale.com/discount/Nilus... #niluskitchen #mixveg #veghandi Facebook page- / nilus-kitchen-380684082329412 youtube- / niluskitchen instagram- / niluskitchen1986 Youtube channel- / @niluskitchenvlogs255 ********************************************** eggless cake recipe- • Egg less cake recipe dhaba style sabji recipe-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list jii=PLwfBwzlCY5TrWhVWVWsYy9WPEMA0qZX0P new and different instant dosa recipe: • new and different instant dosa recipe new and diffrent paratha recipe: • new and diffrent paratha recipe New mithai recipe- • Tasty Asaan Mithai recipes different nashta recipe- • easy and tasty nashta recipes