Prayer for the 3rd Week of Advent | Thursday December 15, 2022
#mass #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicmass #catholicism #holymass #holymasstoday #gospel #massreadings #catholicmasstoday #massongs #dailytvmass #masstoday #wordofgod #wordoftheday #prayer #prayers #todaysbibleverse #todaysbiblequote ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precious Jesus, you came so that we might know we are yours by choice; loved, embraced, saved by your love and grace, welcomed to your family and precious in your sight. You came, so that we might be made complete, all we were ever meant to be. You came, as a Shepherd seeking every sheep that is lost so you might bring them home. And beyond even the cruel Cross you are still Saviour, Messiah, to all who would heed your call. ====================================================== Copyright ©️: Prayer by : John Birch, 2022 , faithandworship.com Videos and Pictures : Pixabay (Assorted) Music by : Music by lesfm-22579021 from Pixabay Subscribe : / @dailymassreading ====================================================== #Sunday #DailyBibleReadings #GospelReading #Bible #HeavenSpeakers #Gospel #Readings #Catholic #GospelMATTHEW #DECEMBER2022 #MassReadings #MassToday #HolyMass #OnlineMassToday #DECEMBER2022 #dailymass #reading #readings #december #friday #passion #blessed #immaculate #immaculateheartofmary #solemnity #trinity #pentecost #bible #bibleverse #dailybibleverse #massreadings #bibleverse #massreadingsfortoday #todaysmassreadings #dailymassreadings #gospel #bibleversefortoday #todaysbibleverse #dailybibleverse #mass #reflection #todaysbibleverse #todaysbiblewords #todaysbible #todaysbibleversecatholic #todaysbiblereading today's gospel reading