Kidney Disease CAN Be Reversed (In Any Stage) Taking This Vitamin

Kidney Disease CAN Be Reversed (In Any Stage) Taking This Vitamin

⚫ Where to find Acacia Fiber (and more): ⚫ Subscribe to ----------------------- More to watch: Kidney Disease (up to stage 5) CAN Be Reversed If You Eat This -    • Kidney Disease (up to stage 5) CAN Be...   WARNING! These Veggies Can Destroy Your Kidneys -    • WARNING! These Veggies Can Destroy Yo...   ------------------------- TIMESTAMPS Intro - 00:00 CKD can be reversed - 00:20 Is controlling serum phosphorus enough? - 02:31 Why should I worry about phosphorus? - 04:53 How was the 81-year-old patient able to get back in stage 2? - 06:19 Are your phosphate levels under control? - 07:52 What foods contain phosphorus? - 09:03 Why is phosphorus only bad from some foods? - 10:06 What can you use to decrease phosphorus absorption? - 12:01 A Vitamin that reversed kidney disease. - 13:25 Do you actually need to take niacin in order to reverse CKD? - 14:10 How can niacin be the key to reverse stage 4 kidney disease? - 15:25 What dose niacin was used here? - 16:55 End, thank you for watching! - 17:31 ------------------------- IMPORTANT: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with a licensed specialist. The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice. Everything here is for informational purposes only. All the images and media are used according to Fair Use law. ---------------------- 00Kidney on Facebook:   / kidney1   Katherine on Instagram 00Kidney blog Facebook support group:   / 352469048524134   Check my new Telegram Channel out Michael on Twitter:   / mikewright055   How Michael got out of RRT    • How I got off kidney dialysis and cur...   Did you like this video? Help 00kidney by sharing, liking and subscribing – thank you!