광장시장 Traditional Market in Seoul, Korea(Gwangjang Market Street Food)

광장시장 Traditional Market in Seoul, Korea(Gwangjang Market Street Food)

서울의 유명 전통시장인 광장시장입니다 100년의 역사가 있다고하네요 추운날씨이고 코로나로인해 시장경기가위축되었지만 나름 활기찬 곳이였습니다 외출하기 힘든요즘 저와같이 시장구경해보실까요? Gwangjang Market, a famous traditional market in Seoul It has 100 years of history It was a cold weather and the market economy was dampened by Corona, but it was a lively place Would you like to go to the market with me these days when it's hard to go out? #광장시장#Traditional Market in Seoul#Gwangjang Market Street Food#Street Food#Korean street food#마약김밥#Korea Local Tour#korea#seoul#한국#서울