The 5 Second Rule That Can Change Your Life | Mel Robbins's Book

The 5 Second Rule That Can Change Your Life | Mel Robbins's Book

Mel Robbins: The 5 Second Rule That Can Change Your Life Changing your life isn't just about knowing what to do; it's about knowing how to make yourself actually do it. 🤝 The 5 Second Rule is the secret sauce to make it happen! This Rule and its countdown method can help you kick bad habits, silence self-doubt, and get yourself moving in the right direction to change your life for the better. This book reveals Mel's inspiring journey in creating The 5-Second Rule during her darkest times. Battling severe anxiety and financial struggles, getting out of bed felt like an uphill climb. But she harnessed the Rule's power, transforming her life completely. CHAPTERS ✍️ Introduction - Feeling Stuck: 00:00 - 00:45 The 5-Second Rule Explained: 0:50 - 01:15 Overcoming Overthinking and Procrastination: 01:18 - 02:26 Being Fearless and Following Your Instincts: 02:28 - 03:58 The Science Behind: 04:02 - 04:40 Implementing the Rule in Your Life: 04:42 - 05:47 How to Take Action: 05:49 - 06:10 Final Thoughts: 06:11 - 06:30 Our mission is clear: to breathe life into business and personal development books! cc: @melrobbins Subscribe to our channel here: 🎥:    / @leadlearnleap   🌐: ©️ LeadLearnLeap, 2023. #fivesecondrule #melrobbins #animatedbookreview