We Welcome you to our Live Sunday Service.. May the Lord enrich His Blessings upon you.. Have a Blessed Sunday.. Subscribe Now To Our YouTube Channel For Messages Of Hope, Encouragement, And Inspiration! Sunday Service Timings: Service - Morning 09.00 AM Tuesday Sister Prayer - Morning 10.00 AM Friday Fasting Prayer - Morning 10.00 AM Follow us on: YouTube : Justin Jude https://youtube.com/channel/UCnMAE6-f... Like Us On Facebook : Blessed Peniel Prayer House / blessedpenielministries / @blessedpenielprayerhouse1815 Mail : [email protected] [email protected] Our Address: BLESSED PENIEL PRAYER HOUSE, #18, Nehru Street, TVK Nagar, Pattabiram, Chennai - 600 072, Tamil Nadu, India. For Prayer and more details : +91-9962413094 , +91-9841301699 Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/RrbTJhiC8DXhJM729 Tags: #Justin Jude # blessedpenielprayerhouse #tamilchristian #motivationalspeech #tamilchristianonline #tamilchurch #tamilbibleverse #god #faith #jesuschrist #christ #love #gospel #holyspirit #godisgood #hope #truth #blessed #believe #worship #grace #amen #jesussaves #inspiration #holybible #godsword #TamilLiveWorship #TamilLiveWorshipService #sundayservicetamil #tamilchristiansongs #tamilchristiansermons #sundayservicelive #tamilchristianmessage #tamilworshipseries #tamilchristiansong #sundayworship GOD BLESS YOU