Is Dry Fasting The Best Fast to Improve Brain Health?

Is Dry Fasting The Best Fast to Improve Brain Health?

🌟 Join the Reset Academy! 🌟 OPEN ME 👇 FOR RESOURCES MENTIONED â–șDry Fasting Companion Guide: â–șLMNT Electrolyte Packets: â–șKeto Mojo US: â–șKeto Mojo EU: â–șNutrisense CGM: â–șMastering Dry Fasting Playlist:    ‱ 5 Reasons Why You Would Want To Dry Fast   TIMELINE: 00:00 Intro 01:43 Dry Fasting For Brain Health 02:35 Dry Fasting Create New Neurons 04:36 Dry Fasting Improves the Production of BDNF 05:59 Why Dry Fasting Works? 07:08 What Mental Conditions Would Your Use Dry Fasting For? NOTES: Dry Fasting benefits For Brain Health: Increased neuron protection against dysfunction and degeneration Increased creation of new neurons Increased brain plasticity Decreased neuronal excitotoxicity 1. HOW DOES IT DO THIS? -Improves production of BDNF -maintaining memory and learning capacity -regulating neurogenesis and neuronal survival in the adult brain controls metabolic regulation. -proteins responsible for the positive adaptations of the brain in situations when there’s little food available 2. WHY IS DRY FASTING SUPERIOR TO WATER FASTING FOR THE BRAIN? More stress on the brain and body requires more mental clarity 3. WHAT MENTAL CONDITIONS WOULD YOU USE DRY FASTING FOR? Mood disorders-depression Memory issues When you do dry fast during Ramadan that is go without water 12 -24 hours for 30 days, your brain health improves. Increase in neuron production against degeneration – great for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, memory loss who are trying to prevent or in the beginning stage of it. Increase brain plastic – this has to do with how capable your neurons are in transmitting the information. Decrease neuronal excitement – you make neurons and repair the old ones, but they are not amped up at stress situations. Neuronal excitement happens when the amygdala is firing up when you are stressed or at an anxious state. Dry fasting will calm those neurons down. REFERENCE: Ramadan Fasting in Germany (17–18 h/Day): Effect on Cortisol and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Association With Mood and Body Composition Parameters The mechanism of acute fasting‐induced antidepressant‐like effects in mice #Fasting #DryFasting #FastTrainingWeek **** Dr. Mindy's Website: Reset Academy: Dr. Mindy's Facebook Page:   / drmindypelz   Dr. Mindy's Facebook Group: Resetter Podcast: Dr. Mindy's Tiktok   / drmindypelz   Affiliate Disclaimer ***** Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.