LoL TOP 20 Faker plays   League Of Legends

LoL TOP 20 Faker plays League Of Legends

・Music 0:00 Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign Youtube:     • Venemy & Aznar ft. Dou...   1:51 Andreas Stone With Denniz Jamm - Black Sunrise Youtube:     • Andreas Stone With Den...   3:34 NIVIRO - The Labyrinth Youtube:     • NIVIRO - The Labyrinth...   6:59 T & Sugah - Cast Away ft. Ayve Youtube:     • T & Sugah - Cast Away ...   9:11 Egzod & EMM - Don't Surrender Youtube:     • Egzod & EMM - Don't Su...   11:40 Andromedik & Used - Take Me Youtube:     • Andromedik & Used - Ta...   14:57 Disfigure - Blank Youtube:     • Disfigure - Blank | Me...   #leagueoflegends #Fakertop20