Far Cry Primal Walkthrough 41

Far Cry Primal Walkthrough 41

Far Cry Primal Walkthrough 41 “Udam Sanctum” is my missions name, Udams leader Ull is my target. From here i find my way through the "Udam Homeland” to "Udam Raider Camp” till i get to "Mamsa Saja Bonfire" ( 07:30 ). After i claimed the "Mamsa Saja Bonfire” as rightfully mine, i continue to "Ull’s Cave” ( 11:15 ). On my way till there i find two “Daysha hands”. At the end of "Ull’s cave” I will fight Ull till death ( 20:05 ). The moment he dies there’s a cutscene blah blah blah, and at the end i’ll claim my reward. The "Evolution in Action” Trophy.