5 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Polar Bears

5 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Polar Bears

Polar bears are one of the world's most well known marine mammals. We all know basic facts about the polar bear such as their preference for hunting seals, the fact that they are the world's largest living bear, and their love for coca-cola. But there are many surpassing facts about polar bears that we don't know. In this short polar bear documentary we briefly cover the polar bear's thick coat of blubber (which grizzly bears and black bears don't have), polar bear hair (how it is actually translucent and not white), the polar bear's unique way of hunting( known as polar bear still hunting), their unique nose print, and occasional herbivorous tendencies. I encourage you to check out a full length polar bear documentary and further research things such as polar bear hair and polar bear still hunting. #polarbear #polarbears #bearfacts #facts #arctic Music From: https://tunetank.com/track/5072-inspire/