ASMR Reiki | Full Body Pain Relief Energy Healing POV (No Talking) đŸ•¯
Hello and welcome in, friend, it's so very good to have you here once again. And if you're new here, welcome welcome welcome in! How have you been feeling recently? Any aches, pains, maybe even tension? When's the last time you allowed yourself time and space to rest and rejuvenate after working yourself to the bone? đŸ‘€ No worries, it happens to the best of us, which is why it's such an honor and privilege to be able to share this energetic time and space with you to lend a helping hand...well... hands. :) That being said, sit back, relax, remember to consent to receive energy healing as always for your highest good, remember to drink plenty of fluids and allow yourself a nap if you're able to freely do so. Much love~ ♡ • Be sure to check out and follow me to the OtHeR sIdE on the clock app for more Reiki content and lives!   / theesoterichealer  • Music by: https://pixabay.com/music/meditations... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional nor do I diagnose anyone with anything or claim to cure any dis-ease. Reiki is an energy healing modality that uses one's hands to channel intelligent Universal Life Force Energy into your energetic system to promote self-healing and relaxation. Reiki should NEVER replace medical attention but can be used alongside to promote a faster recovery process.