Do you REALLY need a home lab to get into Cyber Security or IT?
Hey all and welcome to my channel! Today we answer the question, do you really need a home lab to be successful at cyber security or IT in 2021? Well, the short answer is NO. In this video I discuss the pro's and con's to running a home lab, as well as many alternative solutions, such virtualization, Packet Tracer, GNS3, Boson Netsim, TryHackMe (THM) and Hack the Box (HTB) platforms. We will even look at cost effective cloud solutions such as Azure, AWS and DigitalOcean. I am pretty sure you have heard of a RaspberryPi, well this little computer makes a cheap home lab solution as well. I Hope that you enjoy this video, and if you do it would much appreciated if you like and subscribe! 🔗LINKS🔗 Virtualization: VirtualBox - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downl... VMware - https://www.vmware.com/ CCNA/CCNP Labs: Packet Tracer - https://www.netacad.com/courses/packe... GNS3 - https://www.gns3.com/ Boson Netsim - https://www.boson.com/netsim-cisco-ne... Hacking Education Platforms: TryHackMe - https://tryhackme.com/ Hack The Box - https://www.hackthebox.com/ Rangeforce - https://www.rangeforce.com/ Cloud Solutions: Microsoft Azure - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/ AWS - https://aws.amazon.com/ DigitalOcean - https://digitalocean.com/ Linode - https://www.linode.com/ Raspberry Pi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/ NOTE: I am not sponsored by or affiliated to any of the products or services mentioned in this video, all opinions are my own based on personal experiences. DISCLAIMER: All information, techniques and tools showcased in these videos are for educational and ethical penetration testing purposes ONLY. NEVER attempt to use this information to gain unauthorized access to systems without the EXCPLICIT consent of its owners. This is a punishable offence by law in most countries. #homelab #Cybersecurity #Education