What does that Beatles song mean?
UPDATE: I had to disable comments because I've been getting only negative feedback, and none of the feedback has really been able to help me further. Thank you to the people who have left positive comments, I really appreciate it. Please understand. Peace! Eleanor (Monday) Have you ever wondered what your favourite Beatles song meant? In this video, I cover the meaning behind a few Beatles songs, all of them exceptionally creative and great at disguising their true meaning. Songs played: Eleanor Rigby Norwegian Wood (This Bird has Flown) Glass Onion FACT: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) was the first pop music song to ever feature a sitar. Let It Be was actually based on a dream Paul had when his deceassed mother Mary came to him. Rocky Racoon, decoded, is about John's 'Bigger Than Jesus' fiasco. Eleanor Rigby was first called Miss Daisy Hawkins Yesterday was originally 'Scrambled Eggs' ("Scrambled eggs, oh my baby, how I love your legs") A lot of Beatles songs, (McCartney compositions) especially on Rubber Soul, are about Paul's relationship with Jane at the time (i.e. I'm Looking Through You, You Won't See Me, on Revolver- Here, There and Everywhere, For No One) Help! was about John's insecurities. A Hard Day's Night is the first Beatles album to feature only Beatles comositions. Ironically, Eleanor Rigby's gravestone is near Strawberry Field children's home by Menlove Avenue- John's childhood street. Info retrieved from http://www.beatlesnumber9.com