Is Samhain like Halloween?  #history #halloween #halloween2023 #celtic

Is Samhain like Halloween? #history #halloween #halloween2023 #celtic

No matter how different present-day Halloween may seem from the pagan fire festival of Samhain, the feeling of transformation and the desire to invoke the supernatural through costumes or otherwise seems to return each year with the waning light and the cooling of the air. These sentiments transcend time, connecting modern celebrations with Samhain, that liminal time of transformation that was sacred to the pagans of the Celtic world thousands of years ago, and perhaps also to those of an even more ancient world before that. — SUPPORT US VIA OUR PATREON—   / whencyclopedia   — BUY OUR MERCH —​/​ — WANT TO KNOW MORE? — History of Halloween Samhain — WATCH NEXT — The History of Samhain and Halloween!    • The History of Samhain and Halloween!   The music used in this recording is the intellectual copyright of Michael Levy, a prolific composer for the recreated lyres of antiquity, and used with the creator's permission. Michael Levy's music is available to stream at all the major digital music platforms. Find out more on:    / @michaellevymusic   — ATTRIBUTIONS — You can find all attribution and credits for images, animations, graphics and music here - World History Encyclopedia #short [short]