What Can I Do After FA in Pakistan-Career Counselling For F.A Students - Jobs After FA In Pakistan

What Can I Do After FA in Pakistan-Career Counselling For F.A Students - Jobs After FA In Pakistan

Links- ICS economics -    • ICS Economics Scope - What Is ICS?- E...   ICS statistic-    • Scope Of ICS Stats - Introduction To ...   ICS Physics-    • Scope Of ICS Physics -  Introduction ...   In Pakistan, upper secondary education is also known as higher secondary education or intermediate education. Students complete upper secondary education by taking exams for a Higher Secondary School Certificate. Meanwhile 12 class plays an important role in career building of a student it’s a base for our university admissions. Careers after FA Degree You can get to study multiple subjects after FA degree associated with business, Marketing, and Finance. Careers that you can choose after having this degree. Finance, Business Administration Researcher, Human Resource, Research and Development, Business Consultant, Information Systems, and Marketing. This type of study does not restrict one to a specific option. Regardless of Medical field, the FA students can go for a wide range of fields including banking, arts, economics, social working or activism and business management.