Cold Climate Gardening: How to Start Seeds Indoors

Cold Climate Gardening: How to Start Seeds Indoors

Kareen goes over the materials you need to start seeds indoors for cold climate gardening. Because of the shorter growing season, starting vegetables from seed and growing them into seedlings long before they can be planted outside is very important. From seed starting trays, to seed germination mix, and shop lights, Kareen walks you step by step through the process of starting seeds indoors. Download Kareen’s FREE planting calendar: ------------------------------------ About Kareen Master Gardener Kareen Erbe of Broken Ground helps people living in cold climates grow their own food so they can eat healthier, live more sustainably, and be more self-reliant. Through her Resilient Homestead Program, Starter Garden Workshop, Online Edible Backyards Series, and 1:1 consultations, Kareen is committed to getting as many people as possible building a resilient life that enables them to not only live their values and connect to their community but to feed their families safe and healthy food. ------------------------------------ Love the idea of feeding your family fresh homegrown veggies from your garden but not how to do it? Join Broken Ground’s Edible Backyards Series! This three-part online self-paced series will teach you everything you need to know in order to convert your yard into an edible landscape. By the end of the series, you’ll have: A layout of your garden and yard A plan for what you’re going to grow and where Composting tips and tricks for cold climates How to extend your season so you can grow more for longer. → Make your backyard edible » ------------------------------------ Get Kareen’s FREE Gardening Cheat Sheet → 5 Tips to Get your Garden Started, plus regular updates and videos with growing tips, upcoming workshops and much more » ------------------------------------ Follow Broken Ground for more gardening tips, news, and workshops →    / brokenground   → https://www.brokengroundpermaculture.... →   / brokengroundmontana   →   / brokengroundmt