Shamanic Full Moon Drumming Ceremony ✦ Native Indian Chanting ✦ Transformational Healing
The Shamans of the tribe, also known as medicine men were believed to possess great healing powers and perform great healing and life giving ceremonies, removing unwanted spirits and negative energies from their people. This abounded in chanting around the fire to the beat of the sacred drum invoking the great White Spirit to purify and cleanse. Fire is a symbol of the masculine energy as it powerfully transforms and protects as everything that that goes through its flames is purified. The moon is a feminine symbol, universally representing the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycles. The phases of the moon symbolize intuition, psychic abilities, creativity and wisdom. This ritual gives you the opportunity to release what no longer serves you and cleanse unwanted vibrational patterns by transmutation of the flames. In this now moment, focus on your connection of the Source Heart and Mother Earth and create a Sacred Space of love, light, healing, peace, tranquility and bliss ☆~☽ MOON FIRE INVOCATION ☾~☆ Spirit of transformation and protection Descend upon me I welcome the spirit of the Fire Shaman Energy Shooting flaming arrows to form a sacred ring A circle of fire burns around me from within The flames transmute and purify all that is unclean Creating a shield of sacred protection around me. From the light of the moon I Invoke the Great Goddess To come in attendance on the consecration of my Temple I release limiting beliefs I release doubts and fears I release all obstacles on my path I release all that which is no longer in alignment with my highest self for the greater good. In this light I am reborn My intentions spoken take sacred form ☆~☽ AS I WILL IT ☆ SO MOTE IT BE ☾~☆ Our intention is to bring the listener into a state of healing, meditation and manifestation to raise vibration and create a harmonic resonance within to elevate one to a state of greater awareness, peace of mind and to inspire health and wellness on a deep core level. When you RAISE YOUR BEAUTIFUL VIBRATION you create a miracle by raising the collective vibration of all creation and our precious Mother Earth. ✦ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL ✦ CLICK https://bit.ly/DivineWorxYoutube ACTIVATE THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL 🔔 TO BE THE FIRST TO WATCH OUR NEW VIDEOS! ✦ CHECK OUT OUR PLAYLISTS ✦ http://bit.ly/DivinePlaylists Thank you for listening and raising your frequency. 💜 Peace 💜 Love 💜 Unity 💜 Respect #FullMoonRitual #ShamanChants #FireMeditation #FullMoonDrummingCeremony #sonichealing #MeditationMusic #SoundTherapy ✦ ARTWORK ACCREDITATIONS ✦ INTRO - Made and licensed using Videobolt BACKGROUND - http://bit.ly/Full-Moon-Ceremony MUSIC - This track can be used for free for commercial and non commercial use and is in the public domain.