Worm 🐛 & Reverse De La Worm 🐛 Lapel Guard Sweeps to WormBolo Back & S-Mount by Greg Hamilton BJJ

Worm 🐛 & Reverse De La Worm 🐛 Lapel Guard Sweeps to WormBolo Back & S-Mount by Greg Hamilton BJJ

It’s a “Best Seller 🏆 “ đŸ”„ Check out my brand new 5 DVD series and what the legend Bernardo Faria said himself    ‱ Break Any Armbar Using Your Lapel - T...   visit ✅ http://GregHamiltonBJJ.com đŸ”„ Watch what the legend Bernardo had to say when I showed him these techniques at the BJJ Fanatics studio ✅    ‱ Break Any Armbar Using Your Lapel - T...   and    ‱ The Step Over Gregorian Lapel Submiss...   - Bernardo said “I have never ever seen LAPELS used this way” This is my “BJJ Masterpiece”. A true SYSTEM not just lapel chokes. This lapel submission matrix system will elevate your Gi BJJ in ways you never imagined and always dreamed. It’s LIVE on #BJJFanatics at http://GregHamiltonBJJ.com ✅ Here is a preview of all 5 DVDs đŸ”ș#TheSMountMatrixđŸ”ș    ‱ 45% OFF wwwTheSMountMatrix.com only o...   đŸ”ș#TheArmRazorMatrixSystemđŸ”ș    ‱ 45% OFF - www.TheArmRazor.com only on...   đŸ”ș#TheNorthSouthMatrixđŸ”ș    ‱ The 45% OFF www.TheNorthSouthMatrix.c...   đŸ”ș#TheGregorianLapelSubmissionSystemđŸ”ș    ‱ 45% OFF - www.LapelSystem.com only on...   đŸ”ș#TheTurtleMatrixđŸ”ș    ‱ 45% OFF - www.TheTurtleMatrix.com on ...   đŸ”»đŸ”»đŸ”»    ‱ The Step Over Gregorian Lapel Submiss...   ✅    ‱ Break Any Armbar Using Your Lapel - T...   30% Use Discount Code ✅ MACHADO2021 - I offer 24/7 technical support and problem solving on what’s app. Just let me know what you need to refine your application of #TheLapelSubmissionMatrixSystem Thank You ✝đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ„‹