Stray Kids <ODDINARY> Mashup Video REACTION
#straykids #kpop #reactions OH MY GOD HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS, THESE MASH-UPS ARE SO GOOD 😭 DID YOU GUYS SEE THIS?! I BET STAYS LOST THEIR MIND WHEN THIS DROPPED CAUSE IF I WAS A FAN BACK THEN I WOUDL OF TO , HELL I LOSE MY MIND REGARDLESS LMAO , if you're new here please like,subscribe and join the Mayflies family and turn on notifications and I will see you in the next reaction, Borahae xoxo. . Email me for business : officialchloemay@outlook.com . Head to these links to Support me on Patreon and Twitch : . / chloemayreacts / chloemayreacts . Follow me on social media Twitter : @ChloeMayReacts Instagram : chloemayreacts Twitch : chloemayreacts