पिता का बलिदान | PITA KA BALIDAN | Moral Story | Cartoon Story | Kahaniya
#cartoon #cartoonstory #hindicartoonstory पिता का बलिदान | PITA KA BALIDAN | Moral Story | Cartoon Story | Kahaniya About this story - यह कहानी एक गरीब लकड़हारे सुखिया की है, जो अपनी बेटी चारुलता की शादी के लिए धन जुटाने का प्रयास करता है। चारुलता की सुंदरता से राजकुमार जयदेव मोहित हो जाते हैं और उससे प्रेम करने लगते हैं। हालांकि, राजा संग्राम सिंह इस रिश्ते को स्वीकार नहीं करते और लकड़हारे को कठिन शर्त देते हैं—राजा के लिए एक सिद्ध तलवार लाने की। सुखिया तलवार की सच्चाई जानने के बाद राजा को तलवार देने से इनकार कर देता है, क्योंकि इससे राजा की मृत्यु हो सकती थी। राजा संग्राम सिंह, क्रोधित होकर, सुखिया को मृत्युदंड दे देते हैं। अंततः कहानी प्रेम, बलिदान, और अन्यायपूर्ण सामाजिक विभाजन को दर्शाती है। This story revolves around Sukhiya, a poor woodcutter who struggles to arrange money for his daughter Charulata's wedding. Charulata's beauty captivates Prince Jaydev, who falls in love with her. However, King Sangram Singh disapproves of their relationship and imposes a tough condition on Sukhiya—to bring a mystical sword for the king. Upon discovering the sword's deadly truth, Sukhiya refuses to hand it over, as it would lead to the king's death. Enraged, the king orders Sukhiya's execution. The story highlights themes of love, sacrifice, and the injustice of societal divisions. Keywords - garib kisan story cartoon story hindi story new cartoon kahani cartoon dikha do hindi story kahani moral story in hindi moral stories in hindi cartoon story in hindi new kahani hindi kahaniya hindi story in hindi kahani in hindi cartoon moral stories in hindi hindi new story stories story kahani cartoon hindi moral stories with moral cartoon video cartoon cartoon bacchon ka cartoon cartoon for kids kahani for kids story for kids animation story hindi 2D animation jadui story in hindi #hindikahaniya #moralstories #newstory2025 #horrorstories #hindimoralkahaniya #fairytails #hindistories #kahani #kahaniya #bedtimestories #catroonstory #adventurestory #treasure #catrooncatroon #hindikahani #moralkahani #jaduikahani #cartoon #kahani #jaduicartoon #rawanitoons #hindistory #rajakikahani hindi kahani, hindi kahaniya, stories in hindi, kahaniya in hindi, hindi stories, kahani, hindi story, hindi kahaniyan, story in hindi, moral kahani, kahani kahani, kahaniya, hindi moral story, kahani in hindi, moral kahaniya, hindi animated stories, hindi moral stories, dream toons , dream toon new story, ssoftoons hindi kahani, Horror stories in hindi, Hindi horror story, moral story cartoon, hindi horror stories cartoon, Time To Time Story, Rawani Toons LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE