German Dialogue in Restaurant (A2, B1, B2) πŸ•πŸ·| Conversation for Ordering Food + Drinks | Payment

German Dialogue in Restaurant (A2, B1, B2) πŸ•πŸ·| Conversation for Ordering Food + Drinks | Payment

Find the COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT of this conversation here ✨: We want you to learn and understand German πŸ†! This is why we created something amazing ✨ for you: We regularly send you free emails with great learning resources, grammar explanations and secret study tips so that you can keep improving your German. You just have to enter your name and email address on our website: Try it out 😍! You will receive your first email within 30 seconds. Video description: This dialogue in German will prepare you for your next visit to the restaurant. You will learn all the essential vocabulary and expressions that are necessary to express your thoughts fluently in German βœ…. We will teach you in this five phase conversation how to choose the desired food and drinks, then place the order with the waiter and finally pay by the preferred payment method. This conversation is perfect for you ✨ if you are working in the gastronomy sector and have to talk to customers in German as well as for anyone who learns German. Study advice πŸ’‘: We recommend you to watch this video several times in order to fully memorize every practical sentence structure and expression. You can close your eyes in order to just focus on the listening comprehension or alternatively, turn off the sound and just focus on the reading comprehension. Of course, you can also listen to the conversation while reading it at the same time. When you feel confident about the dialogue’s content, you can challenge yourself by increasing the video speed to 1.25 πŸš€. This way you can gradually increase the level of difficulty and significantly improve your comprehension when native speakers talk quickly in German πŸ†. We hope you enjoy studying with this conversation that we developed with great love for our Lengura community 😊. Timecodes: 0:00 - Important information 0:38 - Stage 1: Greeting/ going to the table 2:13 - Stage 2: Choice of drinks/ food 5:45 - Stage 3: Ordering with the waitress 8:15 - Stage 4: The food arrives 9:08 - Stage 5: The check, please! 10:37 - Study tips/ recommendations