How To Make $3,000/Month In Dividends With Only $25/Week 💰
📊 GET MY DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO SPREADSHEET (FREE) ► https://www.retirewithryne.com/free-p... 📊 TRACK YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH GETQUIN (FREE) ► https://www.qhkv6trk.com/cmp/51Z38H/H... 📈 SEEKING ALPHA PREMIUM (FREE TRIAL) ► https://bit.ly/3WWZ7tm 📊 FOLLOW MY PORTFOLIO ON BLOSSOM (FREE) ► https://www.blossomsocial.ca/retirewi... 💬 JOIN THE DRIP N' SIP DISCORD GROUP WITH OVER 2,800 MEMBERS (FREE) ►   / discord  In this video, I’m going to show you how to make $3,000/month in dividends with only $25/week. Throughout the video, we’ll be comparing 3 different dividend portfolios: one that has a low dividend yield, but offers a substantial amount of dividend growth, another that is the opposite and has a high yield but low dividend growth, and the third portfolio will be somewhat of a hybrid between the first two to give you ample dividend income that also will continue to grow over time. The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision.