31st Sunday Of ordinary Time (English Mass) 3th November, 2024
First Reading – Deuteronomy 6:2-6: Moses instructed the people to fear and obey the LORD, promising growth and prosperity. Love the LORD with all your heart, soul, and strength, and take these words to heart. Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 18: I love you, Lord. You are my strength, rock, and refuge. You save me and keep me safe. Blessed be my savior, who gives victories and shows kindness. Second Reading – Hebrews 7:23-28: Jesus is our eternal high priest who intercedes for us. He is holy and offered himself once for all. He is perfect forever. Gospel – Mark 12:28b-34: A scribe asked Jesus about the greatest commandment. Jesus answered, saying to love God completely and love your neighbor as yourself. The scribe agreed, and Jesus affirmed his understanding.