Takeoff & Landing Dark Screen Airplane Ambience | Flight Attendant | Call Ding | Reading, Sleeping

Takeoff & Landing Dark Screen Airplane Ambience | Flight Attendant | Call Ding | Reading, Sleeping

IMPORTANT: you won't hear the call dings until after the plane has taken off. This is the ONLY channel with flight ambience (white noise) video featuring the actual voices of a real flight attendant and captain. This also includes the call button (ding) which you will hear at various volumes throughout the flight. Here at Flavas of Chill, we try to make the most realistic flight ambience(s) so it will seem as though you are actually there! --- Like our videos? Buy us a pizza 🍕! - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/flavasof... Patreon Support for Complete Flights:   / flavasofchill   Social Media: Tik Tok -   / flightambience   Instagram -   / djscandalous   Facebook -   / djscandalous   Playlists: Complete Flight Ambiences from Airport to Landing: https://bit.ly/3y0OKt5 Normal Flight Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3nlFtas Airport Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3bzkCgQ Walking Ambience / Tours: https://bit.ly/3A6lhRi Driving Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3QTqZMa Train Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3ynOl5D Christmas Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3QQQUUY Halloween Ambiences: https://bit.ly/3yqfWmN Riverboat Ambiences / Tours: https://bit.ly/3OGCKV7 --- © 2021 DJ Scandalous. All rights reserved. Any reproduction and/or republication of either the audio or video is prohibited and subject to a phenomenal ass whoopin', on God. Hashtags: #whitenoise #sleepambience #flightambience