0580/22/F/M/19 Worked Solutions| IGCSE Math Paper 2019 (EXTENDED) | Science And Math

0580/22/F/M/19 Worked Solutions| IGCSE Math Paper 2019 (EXTENDED) | Science And Math

Q1) -Ve Numbers 0:38 Q2) Money 1:34 Q3) Recurring Decimal 2:00 Q4) Significant Figures 3:02 Q5) Currency Exchange 3:50 Q6) Probability 4:28 Q7) Bearing 5:11 Q8) Vectors 7:06 Q9) Proportionality 8:32 Q10) Surface Area 9:45 Q11) Percentage Increase 11:50 Q12) 3D Shapes 12:44 Q13) Factorize 14:23 Q14) Compound Interest 15:34 Q15) Circle 18:39 Q16) Gradient 21:14 Q17) Powers 23:11 Q18) Area ,Volume 24:12 Q19) Algebraic Fractions 27:20 Q20) Matrix 27:55 Q21) Simplification Fractions 29:25 Q22) Speed Time Graph 30:05 Q23) Straight Line 32:06 Q24) Trigonometry 35:16 Exam Papers are taken from Cambridge International and we are using for educational purposes only. Links to download Marking Scheme & Question Paper Question Paper: https://cutt.ly/jrxsbSM Marking Scheme: https://cutt.ly/MrxsntM Model Answers: https://cutt.ly/DrxsYxS Thanks for watching DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE OUR LATEST VIDEO UPDATES SUBSCRIBE THIS CHANNEL: https://cutt.ly/BreImCD #igcsemaths #mathstv #maths #2020