Best Weight Loss Salad Recipe for Dinner| High Protein Veg Salad for Dinner-Weight Loss Salad Recipe

Best Weight Loss Salad Recipe for Dinner| High Protein Veg Salad for Dinner-Weight Loss Salad Recipe

Healthy Protein Salad Weight Loss Friendly | प्रोटीन सलाद | High Protein Salad for Weight Loss Protein Salad | प्रोटीन सलाद रेसिपी | Weight Loss Salad Recipe | High Protein Salad for Weight Loss #proteinsalad #highproteinsalad #weightloss #weightlosssalad #recipe #प्रोटीनसलाद This is a very healthy प्रोटीन सलाद made with all vegetarian items. Sprouted Black Chana and Green moong is mixed with cottage cheese along with onions, tomatoes, roasted peanuts, raw mangoes and spiced with black pepper, black salt and lemon. This high protein easy to make Protein Salad is so tasty and is very good for pregnant women, kids and everybody. Loaded with high proteins, this nutritious salad is super yummy to fill up your bellies! Must Try if you are achieve your weight loss goal Your Queries 👇🏻 Easy salad recipes, Sprouts Salad Recipe, best salad recipe, chana salad recipe, chicken salad recipe, creamy salad recipe, dinner salad recipe, healthy salad recipes, high protein salad recipe, indian salad recipes, protein salad, vegetarian salad recipes, weight loss, weight loss salad, weight loss salad recipe, Healthy Protein Salad Recipes, chef sanjeev kapoor,protein salad,high protein salad,protein salad for weight loss,protein salad recipe,how to make protein salad,high protein salad recipe,high protein salads,salad recipe,salad recipes,salad,protein salads,protein salad recipes,home made protein salad,3 high protein salad recipes,high protein salad weight loss,weight loss salad,high protein salad recipes for weight loss,healthy salad,veg protein salad,chicken salad,high protein, weight loss recipes,weight loss salad,salad for weight loss,protein salad for weight loss,healthy salad recipes for weight loss,weight loss,recipes for weight loss,salads for weight loss,weight loss salad recipe,salad recipe for weight loss,weight loss salad for dinner,salad recipes for weight loss,salad,#weight loss,weight loss recipe,salad recipes,vegetable salad for weight loss,salad dressing for weight loss,beetroot salad recipe for weight loss This is a channel through which I share My journey and experiences of weight loss with my viewers. These remedies and diets worked on me but each person is different and react differently to these remedies and diets so please consult your doctor before trying any remedy and diets suggested in my video.The recommendations given on this channel may not work for everyone,and should not be considered as an excuse to not visit your doctor or consult a medical practitioner. Thanks for watching and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE,LIKE,SHARE,COMMENT. DISCLAIMER: Do not have this drink if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or have any kidney disease or on a blood thinning medication. Pregnant and lactating women should consult their health practitioner before trying out natural home remedies or any remedies in this channel. Those with celiac disease should avoid gluten (wheat, barley, oats, rye etc along with processed foods like cakes, biscuits, cookies etc made with the mentioned grains). This video is only intended for an informational purpose.Readers are subjected to use this information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.. The content is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or treatment. All recommendations are “generally informational” and not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problems, concerns and/or needs. All the content published on this channel is our own creative work and is protected under copyright law. ​⁠‪@NEHASFREESTYLE‬ Music credit - ------------------------------------------ "Whenever" by LiQWYD   / liqwyd   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music: Whenever Musician: LiQWYD