Just in time for the season, here's the simplest way to make the best, authentic Jamaican Sorrel Cake! 👉 Watch Next: How To Make Traditional Jamaican Christmas Cake:    • 🎂 How To Make Traditional JAMAICAN CH...   Love your traditional Jamaican fruit cake, Christmas cake, or as my friends in the US calls it, Black Cake? Chances are you'll love this even more! Its your favourite cake with a twist, a sorrel twist, that the rest of the world is catching unto quite fast! Its Sorrel Cake! And today, expert Pastry Chef Kayon, show and tell exactly how she makes it and how you can do the same, step by step! Your darling of desserts has just gone up a notch! And you bet, you'll also benefit from the immense health benefits of sorrel, aka Roselle! #JamaicanFruitCake #ChristmasCake #JamaicanBlackCake #sorrel ------------------------------ ✔️ SPECIAL THANKS & LINKS ------------------------------ Kayon Cakes: Call/ WhatsApp 876-417-0067 🔗 My Website: https://www.my-island-jamaica.com 🔗 My E-STORE (for Jamaican products): https://www.etsy.com/shop/myislandjam... ---------------------------------------------- ✔️OTHER 'MUST-SEE' VIDEOS ---------------------------------------------- ▶Meet The NUTMEG MAN:    • Meet The NUTMEG MAN | The Nutmeg Farm...   ▶🎂 How To Make Traditional CHRISTMAS CAKE:    • 🎂 How To Make Traditional JAMAICAN CH...   ▶Amazing HEALTH BENEFITS OF ANNATTO:    • Jamaican Spice Expert REVEALS The INC...   ---------------------------------- 💡 FAQ's, CONTACTS & COMMUNITY 💡 --------------------------------- 📞 For Support, Features, Tours or Bookings: 876-825-2237 ▶ JOIN MY EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY: Many bonus perks for those who become a patron of My-Island-Jamaica.com!   / myislandjamaica   -------------------------------------- ✔️ Be Sure To Check my Awesome PLAYLISTS AS WELL: --------------------------------------- ▶ JAMAICAN FOOD AND RECIPES:    • 😋 Jamaican Food and Recipes   ▶ TOP JAMAICAN ATTRACTIONS:    • Jamaican Attractions & Things To Do   ▶ JAMAICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE:    • Jamaican History and Culture Videos   ▶ AMAZING JAMAICAN PEOPLE AND PERSONALITIES:    • Jamaican People and Personalities   ▶ JAMAICAN RESORTS AND VILLAS:    • Jamaican Resorts, Hotels and Villas   ▶ JAMAICAN COMEDY AND FUN VIDEOS:    • Jamaican Comedy and Fun Stuff   Love Jamaica and want to learn more about #TheRealJamaica. Here are the next steps ... 🔔SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: GET 'THE REAL JAMAICA' 🔗    / @myislandjamaica   ▶ GET MY FREE EBOOK: "101 Intriguing facts about Jamaica": https://www.my-island-jamaica.com/my_... ⚡ CONNECT WITH ME! ⚡ 🔥 Facebook:   / myislandjamaica   🔥 Twitter:   / myislandjamaica   🔥 Instagram:   / myislandjamaica   Wellesley Gayle is the founder and author of My-Island-Jamaica.com, where he shares the uniqueness of Jamaica with the world - since 2007!