iOS 17.4 Beta 1 - At Last! - Features, Apps and Follow Up

iOS 17.4 Beta 1 - At Last! - Features, Apps and Follow Up

iOS 17.4 - At Last! - iOS 17.3 Released a few days ago and iOS 17.4 Beta 1 has been out to Developers for a couple days and soon to Public Beta Testers for a couple days. iOS 17.4 at last brings us Sideloading for the EA and many new features. iOS 17.3 is the current public release. iOS 17.4 bring some great changes, but there is even more that have been found since the iOS 17.4 Beta 1 is Out - What’s New video. In this video I show you over 15 more iOS 17.4 features and changes and talk about stability, battery life, bugs, issues, and more using the M2 iPad Pro 12.9, iPhone 11, iPhone 14 Pro Max, and iPhone 15 Pro Max. #iOS17 #Apple #AirPodsPro #iPhone This is also the Weekly iOS 17 Follow Up Review (A Few Days Later ) where we go over the experience of the latest version of iOS 17.3, iOS 17.4 Beta 1 and iOS 17.4 Public Beta 1. We also talk abut the latest Apple News, Rumors and Major App Updates along with when to expect iOS 17.4 Public Release and possibly even iOS 17.3.1. iOS 17.4 Beta 1 Release Notes - Apple Announcement of Sideloading in the EU - ⌚️ Watch Band I am using - Chapters 00:00 - Everything New 00:52 - Apple Savings Account 01:18 - Sideloading with difficulty 02:06 - The Return of Fortnite 02:19 - Next Gen Apple CarPlay 02:45 - More New Features 08:42 - More new Features Coming Soon 09:29 - iPadOS 17.4 and watchOS 10.4 updates 10:22 - Updates 10:50 - iOS 17.4 Beta 2 Release 11:13 - iOS 17.4 Public Release 11:31 - iOS 17.3.1? 11:52 - iOS 17.3 Experience and Bugs 12:53 - iOS 17.4 Experience and Bugs 14:29 - Camera Improvements? 14:44 - Release Notes 15:17 - Performance 15:45 - Connectivity 16:07 - Heat and Thermals 16:50 - Battery life 18:12 - Should You Install iOS 17.3? 18:26 - Security Updates 18:37 - Should You Install iOS 17.4 Beta 1? 19:02 - Comments 20:24 - Conclusion Check Out Some of My Other Videos    • iOS 17.2.1 is Out! - What's New?      • iOS 17.2 is Out! - What's New? (35+ N...      • iOS 17 is Out - What's New? - 210+ Ne...      • iPhone 14 Plus - Nobody Cared, but It...      • 100 Percent Battery Health - How To P...   Gear I use 🎥📷 CAMERA: Lens: 🎤 Microphone - Find Me Here   / discord   / zollotech     / zollotech     / aaronzollo     / zollotech   Support ZOLLOTECH on Amazon: Wallpaper by fresk0 - [DISCLOSURES] This post may contain affiliate links, which help Aaron / Zollotech with a commission if you make a purchase. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time!