Sunday Worship Livestream - 11 AM March 16

Sunday Worship Livestream - 11 AM March 16

Welcome to NorthPark Presbyterian Church Online! Please let us know that you will be worshipping with us, by completing the form in this link Thank you! LENTEN STUDIES: Two options for adults are available at 9:30 AM on Sundays March 9 - April 13. All are welcome any week. 1 - A study led by Katy Evans in Fellowship Hall on Walter Brueggemann’s book Sabbath as Resistance, Saying NO to the Culture of Now. 2 - A study in the Conference Room of Adam Hamilton’s book The Message of Jesus, Words that Changed the World. (Centering Practices continues to meet in the Bride’s Room.) CHILDREN AND YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30 AM: Childcare available (infants – K) in Room 50. Parents, your little ones may want to begin in the Sanctuary, stay through Moments for Children, then go to Room 50 for the rest of worship. Grades Pre-K –5 begin in Room 36 (pick up PreK/K in Room 48, Grades 1-5 in Room 31). Grades 6-12 meet in the Youth Lounge. CARE LETTERS: Take a moment after worship to sign care letters, located at the Welcome Desk in the foyer. It’s a tangible way to demonstrate love for our NorthPark friends and family. THE LORD’S PRAYER The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. It has two origins in scripture (Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4). Most Christians know the prayer by heart in their own language, and it is used today by every Christian tradition (though there are minor variations in the wording). Each week during Lent, we will use a different Lord’s Prayer. Today’s prayer is a translation from the original Aramaic. The Session will meet on Sunday, March 23, in the Conference Room, 10 minutes after 11:00 AM worship concludes, to receive new members. Newcomers, we hope to see you there! You may also contact Cheryl Cunningham for more info ([email protected]). GIVE: To share your financial gifts with NorthPark, at or you may send a check to the church at P.O. Box 515454, Dallas, TX 75251-5454. Thank you for your generosity! Sunday's hymns are used with permission. ONE LICENSE, License Number A-739368. #sundayworship #northparkpres #worshipservice #worshipat11