Portuguese Egg Tart: Pastéis de Nata (Pastel de Nata)

Portuguese Egg Tart: Pastéis de Nata (Pastel de Nata)

#Portugueseeggtart #Eggtart #Puffpastry A crispy and flaky tart contrasted by the creamy custard. This is egg tart is a specialty in Belem, an area near Lisbon, Portugal. This version does not use sugar syrup as a base, but an easier custard preparation but still delicious custard. Muffin pan was also used instead of the traditional molds, yet the result is still crisp and luscious. Enjoy this delicious pastry without having to travel to Portugal. INGREDIENTS: 12 Tarts pcs PUFF PASTRY 150g AP Flour 35g, Unsalted Butter, cold 65ml Water, cold 1/2 tsp Salt (2g) 80g Butter, soft (for filling) CUSTARD 6 Egg yolks 135g Sugar 25g Cornstarch 370ml Cream 250ml Milk 2 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste or extract 1/2 Cinnamon stick 1/3 zest of a Lemon PROCEDURE PUFF PASTRY 1. Mix the flour, salt and cold butter in a bowl until it resembles somewhat a texture of that of a coarse meal or bread crumbs. 2. Pour in the water and mix to combine. Knead lightly to form a dough and transfer on a working surface, dusted generously with flour. 3. Dust the dough and rolling pin with flour and pat the dough to prevent bubbles from forming when rolling. ( If bubble forms, just prick with a toothpick.) Flatten dough into 14-16 inch square or rectangle. Brush off excess flour. 4. Spread the soft butter to 2/3 of the dough, leaving an inch from the edge unbuttered. The butter should be soft and spreadable to prevent the dough from being torn. 5. Fold over the unbuttered 1/3 of the dough, then fold the other third of the dough over. Turn the dough to 90 degrees and fold the dough into three. (The dough may be wrapped and chilled for 10 mins to let the butter harden) 6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the second layer of butter. 7. Fold over the unbuttered 1/3 of the dough, then fold the other third of the dough over. ( Again, the dough may be wrapped and chilled for 10 mins to let the butter harden) 8. Last layer of butter. Flatten the dough into 14-16 inch square or rectangle and spread the butter all the way to the edges but leave an inch at the top edge unbuttered. 9. Roll the dough tightly into a log, starting from the bottom all the way up. Brush the plain edge with water and finish rolling. 10. Wrap the dough and place in the chiller for an hour or overnight, if you have time. CUSTARD 1. Lightly beat the egg yolks in a bowl then add the sugar. 2. Add in the cornstarch and mix to combine. 3. In a sauce pan, combine the cream, milk, vanilla, cinnamon stick, and lemon zest, bring to just simmer. It is ready when the edges of the pan starts to bubble. 4. Temper the egg yolk mixture by adding a third of the hot cream while whisking. Pour in all the cream while whisking vigorously until smooth. 5. Remove the solids and strain to achieve a smooth texture. Place in the chiller to cool down. ASSEMBLY AND BAKING 1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C. 2. Cut the dough into 12 pcs. Transfer each piece into a buttered pan. If the dough has been chilled overnight, leave it for a couple of minutes until it becomes soft and pliable. 3. Press the center of the dough to create a sort of a wall then smooth the dough all the way up until it extends a little bit over the mold to create a lip. 4. Fill each mold 3/4 or 80% full of the custard. Repeat step with the remaining dough and custard. The mold is not completely filled because the custard rises once baked. 5. Bake until the pastry is golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. Then broil for 3-5 mins to create black spots on the custard. 6. Let the tarts cool in the pan for a few minutes and to let the custard set before transferring them into a rack to cool down just until warm. 7. Dust with icing sugar and cinnamon powder. 8. The tart is best enjoyed on the day it was baked and while still warm. The dough will become soft if left in room temperature in the next day. Though it can be frozen and be re-heated back in the oven. *The dough can be made days ahead and be frozen for 3 months while the custard mix can be kept refrigerated for three days. *This recipe was adopted from Cooking tree but some steps were modified. Happy Commercial by MaxKoMusic | https://maxkomusic.com/ Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... #Pasteildenata #pasteisdenata #Portugesecustard #tartrecipe #baking #howtobake #flakytart #pastry #sweets #custard #cooking #easyrecipe #tart #PastéisdeNata #egg #에그타르트 #에그타르트만들기 #卵のタルト #ਅੰਡੇ ਦੀ ਮਾਸੀ #蛋挞 #ASMR #Tattelur