Art Things to do When Bored ▶ 5
Get ready for some extra inspiration for a boring day. This video is filled with fun ideas to create art when you are bored. TheCraftyChef Instagram: / thecraftychef__ Youtube: / @diywithrupalee HARRISON HOWARD Instagram: / harrison.how Tiktok: / harrisonhow ANGELSIGN Instagram: / angelsign_ Tiktok: / angelsign_ Shop: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/angelsign 是怼子吖 Youtube: / @duiduiaishougong Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/297270292 Nitika Wadehra Art Instagram: / nitika.wadehra.art DERYA TAVAS Instagram: / deryatavas Youtube: / @deryatavas4947 Tiktok: / derya.tavas Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... KHOROSHENKO Instagram: / anastasiakhoroshenko Youtube: / @anastasiakhoroshenko Tiktok: / anastasiakhoroshenko DEVYN WENSLEY Instagram: / devynwensley Tiktok: / stainedhands Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DevynWensley nafiz___artz Instagram: / nafiz___artz YASMIN Instagram: / thisartperson Tiktok: / thisartperson Sibia Torres Padilla Instagram: / sibster SOFIE MORTENSEN Instagram: / sofieart_ Youtube: / @sofieart_ Tiktok: / sofieart_ MARVARTO_O Instagram: / marvarto_o Tiktok: / marvarto_o Shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/marvartoo Other: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/marvarto_o/ DRAKEN CON BARBA Instagram: / soydraknar Tiktok: / soydraknar DARA LIZBETH Instagram: / daralizbethh Youtube: / @daralizbeth Tiktok: / daralizbeth RUDY WILLINGHAM Instagram: / rudy_willingham Tiktok: / rudy_willingham Facebook: / djrudywillingham Shop: https://rudyprints.com/ levers_lee Instagram: / levers_lee Youtube: / @levers_lee ARTSY_TAHURA Instagram: / artsy_tahura zuleyhatice__ Instagram: / zuleyhatice__ Tiktok: / zuleyhatice anika leila Instagram: / anikaleila Web: https://anikaleila.com/ Other: / anikaleila Мария Instagram: / mariyatanasy SEU MUNDO DE PAPEL Instagram: / seumundodepapel Instagram2: / reusedecor artbyaalice Instagram: / artbyaalice Youtube: / @artbyaalice Tiktok: / artbyaalice 金天 Kuaishou ID: jinTianV5 Kuaishou: https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/3xfu... Hera Ray Hardware Instagram: / hera_ray_hardware Tiktok: / hera_ray_hardware Web: https://heraray.com/ Facebook: / herarayhardware Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/herarayhard... Other: / hera_ray IRENIUSX Instagram: / ireniusx Youtube: / @ireniusx Tiktok: / ireniusx SILVIA DOTTI Instagram: / silviadotti_ledelicat ANNA Instagram: / licosmoss POTTDPEOPLE Instagram: / pottdpeople Tiktok: / pottdpeople Web: https://getpottd.com/ Submit your art video to get featured on our channel at: [email protected]