2022 Live Review 1 | AP U.S. History | Periods 1 and 2: Content and Skill Practice

2022 Live Review 1 | AP U.S. History | Periods 1 and 2: Content and Skill Practice

In this AP Daily: Live Review session, we will review content from Periods 1 and 2 and develop skills for answering short-answer questions. We will give particular attention to how geography impacted American Indian societies and to the effects of the Columbian Exchange upon European and North American societies. We will make detailed comparisons of the Spanish, French, and English colonial structures. Our examination of the English colonies will focus on the unique characteristics of the Southern, Mid-Atlantic, and New England colonies. We will emphasize mercantilism and the colonial labor systems of indentured servitude and slavery. The AP historical thinking skills related to comparison will be highlighted through the detailed breakdown of short-answer questions pertaining to Periods 1 and 2. Stay motivated and keep preparing for AP Exams with these resources: Read: https://blog.collegeboard.org/free-re... Log in to AP Classroom at https://myap.collegeboard.org to view AP Daily videos and all the AP Daily: Live Review videos from 2021 Read: https://blog.collegeboard.org/3-reaso... Follow us to stay connected:   / apforstudents     / collegeboard     / collegeboard.official     / thecollegeboard   About the Advanced Placement® Program AP gives students the chance to tackle college-level work while they're still in high school—whether they're learning online or in the classroom. And, through taking AP Exams, students can earn college credit and placement. See where AP can take you! Explore AP courses, discover free online resources to help you learn in any environment, get exam practice, and find colleges that grant credit for AP: #AP #APDaily #APUSHistory