SaintsRow 4 Gameplay Playthrough Walkthrough Part 15
SaintsRow 4 Gameplay/ Playthrough/ Walkthrough Part 15 Saints Row 4 Missions: -Emergency Situation (2/2): .Something's Wrong in Steelport .Remove the Clones from Steelport (Cutscenes included) The SaintsRow 4's plot sees invading aliens place the player into a computer-simulated version of Steelport early on, and the bulk of the SaintsRow 4 takes place within this simulation. The simulation has Steelport constantly cloaked in the darkness of night, with largely computer-themed twists on classic Saints Row elements. Objectives are often based around hacking the simulation in order to work towards escaping it. Saints Row 4 shares most of its Gameplay aspects with the previous installment, being primarily played as a third-person shooter in an open world map scattered with campaign quests, secondary objectives, and various collectibles. The player can steal, drive, and customize vehicles, and purchase weapons and clothing. In an element new to the series, the player can now purchase and upgrade "powers" that offer superhuman abilities, which allow the player to leap up the sides of buildings, glide through the air, and fire several different paranormal projectiles, as examples. Saints row 4 Purple Ops Saints row 4 Hail to the Chief Saints row 4 Leave it to the Saints Saints row 4 Learn the Rules... Saints row 4 The Escape Saints row 4 Breaking the Law Saints row 4 Ghost in the Machine Saints row 4 Zero Cool saints row 4 Anomalous Readings saints row 4 Back by Popular Demand saints row 4 The Boss Goes to Washington saints row 4 King of Stilwater saints row 4 From Asha with Love saints row 4 Emergency Situation saints row 4 ...the Very Next Day saints row 4 Death From Above saints row 4 The Kinzie Gambit saints row 4 Talkie Talkie saints row 4 The Girl Who Hates the 50s saints row 4 Keymaster saints row 4 Punch the Shark saints row 4 Grand Finale saints row 4 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 saints row 4 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 saints row 4 Walkthrough Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 saints row 4 Walkthrough Ending saints row 4 Gameplay Part 1 saints row 4 Gameplay Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 saints row 4 Walkthrough Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 saints row 4 Gameplay Walkthrough saints row 4 Gameplay Part 1 saints row 4 Walkthrough Part 1 saints row 4 Let's Play Part 1 saints row 4 Ending saints row 4 gameplay part 1 saints row 4 walkthrough part 1 saints row 4 gameplay walkthrough part 1 saints row 4 playthrough part 1 saints row 4 playthrough Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9