Types of IV fluids | NS | DNS | D5 | D10 | D25 | RL | ISOLYTE-P | Intravenous fluids

Types of IV fluids | NS | DNS | D5 | D10 | D25 | RL | ISOLYTE-P | Intravenous fluids

Share this information to your medico friends 😃 Also subscribe to the channel for more such videos 🤗 #ivfluids #NS #DNS #D5 #D10 #D25 #RL #ISOLYTE-P #medicalmylife #Pranavjain SPECIAL THANKS TO MY SENIOR " DR.SHAH ALAM BOSS " Instagram page id - medical_my_life https://www.instagram.com/tv/COHn92Sh... For notes join telegram group Telegram group name - Medical my life https://t.me/joinchat/UItlfCdI5-gYy8Uk ( If you are not able to join telegram group then you can msg me on instagram ) Hopefully you like the video😃 Thank you ! DONATE TO THE CHANNEL Guys, thank you for all the love till date. If you like my videos, you can now donate for my channel. I am a MBBS student and am aiming to improve the overall content of videos- which will require purchasing equipments and other materials. Your small contribution can go a long way. Making videos require a lot of effort but your support constantly encourages me to do well. Donation options ( Gpay , phonepay , Paytm ) Gpay number - 6397383713 Phone pay number - 6397383713 Paytm number - 6397383713 If you like my work , share my channel with your batchmates and other medico friends... About me : My name is Pranav Jain and I am MBBS student(batch 2018). I love teaching , so doing it on Youtube . Thank you for reading 😇