Every Argument For Atheism
Get all sides of every story and be better informed at https://ground.news/AlexOC. Subscribe for 30% off unlimited access or try it for less than $1 this month. To support me on Patreon (thank you): / alexoc To donate to my PayPal (thank you): http://www.paypal.me/cosmicskeptic VIDEO NOTES Responding to @redeemedzoomer6053's "ALL atheist arguments answered in 10 minutes". LINKS Redeemed Zoomer's original video: • ALL atheist arguments answered in 10 ... Behind the Gospels: https://behindthegospels.substack.com/ Did Jesus Claim to be God? (podcast): • Did Jesus Even Claim to be God? Bart ... How the Bible Supports Slavery (podcast): • How the Bible Supports Slavery TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Religion causes wars 1:30 People do evil in the name of religion 2:58 If you lived elsewhere, you’d be an atheist 4:06 How do you know which religion is true? 4:21 There’s no scientific evidence for God 6:06 Demonic possession 10:15 The Bible has contradictions 13:49 The Gospels are anonymous 15:35 The Gospels misquote Jesus 17:26 Jesus never claimed to be God 19:25 Mythological development 21:10 The Bible supports slavery 24:39 The “Slave Bible” 25:42 Christians supported slavery 27:10 God kills people in the Bible 27:39 Atheist countries are more prosperous 28:48 I just believe in one less god 29:16 Who created God? 29:56 Science disproves God 31:35 God of the gaps 32:30 The problem of evil 35:19 What if God is evil? 36:18 Can God create a rock so heavy he can’t lift it? 37:52 Why does evil exist at all? 38:52 Religion is just wishful thinking 40:39 Psychology/neuroscience explains religion 41:38 Drug trips show spiritual experiences are from the brain 42:05 Jesus is a copy of Horus 42:16 Faith is opposed to reason 43:12 Evolution proves God didn’t make the world 43:44 Christianity spread through military conquest 44:02 Constantine invented modern Christianity 44:20 Why are there so many Christian denominations? 45:00 There’s no evidence for Jesus outside the Bible 46:01 A whole universe, just for me? SPECIAL THANKS As always, I would like to direct extra gratitude to my top-tier patrons: John Early Dmitry C. Mouthy Buddha Solaf CONNECT My Website/Blog: http://www.cosmicskeptic.com SOCIAL LINKS: Twitter: / cosmicskeptic Facebook: / cosmicskeptic Instagram: / cosmicskeptic Snapchat: cosmicskeptic The Within Reason Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast... CONTACT Business email: [email protected] Or send me something: Alex O'Connor Po Box 1610 OXFORD OX4 9LL ENGLAND ------------------------------------------