July 18, 2021 - The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Link to Online Giving https://onrealm.org/holycrossfm/-/giv... Remember subscribe to our YouTube channel! ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday Worship Services take place at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Social distancing is still in effect. Masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated. Coffee with Clergy is on summer break. Classes will resume after Labor Day. The Healing Service takes place on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. IN THE MAIN CHURCH. Masks are required at this service. Nursery is offered for infants and children through kindergarten age Sundays in the parish house during the 10:30 service. Children will rejoin their parents in the church for communion. All Meetings — church or community groups--must be coordinated through the church office. To learn more about us or to become a member of Holy Cross Faith Memorial: Just speak with a member of our clergy or call the church office at 843-237-3459. If you are already on the rolls at another church, you may contact them and ask that they send a letter of transfer to us at PO Box 990, Pawleys Island, SC 29585. ORDINATION GIFTS FOR BISHOP-ELECT RUTH WOODLIFF-STANLEY As we prepare to welcome our Bishop-elect Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, the Transition Committee invites people from across the diocese to offer gifts in support of her ministry. It is the Episcopal Church’s tradition to contribute toward a bishop-elect’s vestments and other symbols of the Office of Bishop: stoles, cloaks, mitre, crosier, ring, pectoral cross and other liturgical items. Checks may be sent to the diocesan office at the following address: PO Box 20485, Charleston, SC 29413. Checks should be addressed to The Episcopal Church in South Carolina/The Episcopal Church in SC and note on the memo line that the check is for the "bishop gift." Any amounts received will be added to a larger diocesan gift. Questions about gifts may be directed to the Transition/Standing Committee members who are serving as gift coordinators: the Rev. Jim Dannals ([email protected]) and Mary Dianish ([email protected]). Fellowship has returned! We would love to have volunteers provide treats after the 10:30 service on Sunday mornings. All you need to do is sign up at the back of the church. And keep an eye out for a Save the Date announcement for Deviled Egg Sunday! There will be a meeting of the Altar Guild held on Thursday July 22 at 9:30 a.m. in the church. Anyone who is interested in joining or learning more about the Altar Guild is invited to join us. Father Wil will be in attendance. Coffee and pastries will be served. The Red Cross needs our help. There is a critical blood shortage at area hospitals. To help meet that need, Holy Cross Faith Memorial will host a blood drive on Friday, July 23, 10 am to 3 pm. Please join us in the church and give the gift of life. Contact redcrossblood.org to schedule an appointment. Volunteer Opportunity – Volunteers are needed to help staff the church nursery during the 10:30 service. If you are interested in giving an occasional hour of support to families with children, please call the church office or schedule an appointment with Father Wil. The 0731 Study Group is reading Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison. We are discussing pp. 320-49 including the prison poems. All are welcome. We meet Thursdays at 0731 in Parish House. Do you know a fellow parishioner in need of a meal? The Kitchen Kindness ministry is here to help! Casseroles & Brownies are available in the church freezer. Please feel free to pick something up for someone in need. There is a list on the door to help keep track of the flow and to whom the dinner is going. If you would like to help in any way with this ministry, please get in touch with Marsha Smith. Calling all Youth Acolytes! In-person worship has resumed and WE NEED YOU! Please call the church office and let us know if you are ready to go back or are interested in being added to the schedule to serve at the 10:30 service. The Meditation Gathering meets weekly in the sanctuary on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 p.m. Altar Flower dedication dates are available. Sign up on the calendar in the narthex or call or e-mail Suzy in the church office: 843-237-3459 or [email protected]. Thanks to generous supporters of the Blessing Box ministry, “fill-ups” are up to 4 days weekly! To help please make checks payable to Holy Cross Faith Memorial with “Blessing Box” in the memo. The Baskervill Food Pantry remains in operation with limited hours, Monday – Friday from 10 am – 12 noon. Please continue to save egg cartons and drop in the plastic container near the door of the Pantry.