Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | Faith & St. Peter's | July 10, 2022 Worship
Thank you for joining us in worship! We are blessed by your presence and hope to welcome you again online or in person. St. Peter's Lutheran Church, "Walking with Jesus, sharing God's love" Sundays 8:30am, 282 W. Cumberland St., Camden, IN (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Web: bit.ly/StPeterCamden Faith Lutheran Church, "Sent by Jesus, we grow in faith, to love and to serve" Sundays 10:15am, 6765 E 800N, Logansport, IN (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Web: bit.ly/FaithLuthLogan Shared ministry partners in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. ~Copyright Permissions~ Augsburg Fortress: SB134950 One License Streamed with Permissions: A-739427 & 708938 Sundays and Seasons v.20170810.1106