Daily Mass LIVE at St. Mary's | September 30, 2021
Join us in celebrating the Memorial of St. Jerome at St. Mary's Parish in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Our mission is to worship God, proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, lead others into relationship with him and grow together as his disciples. #DailyMass #StJerome Mass Readings: http://ec2-34-245-7-114.eu-west-1.com... If you feel called to give to our church, visit: https://stmarysottawa.ca/give-4/ Visit our website: https://stmarysottawa.ca Subscribe to our Channel: / stmarysparishottawa Subscribe to Fr. Mark Goring's YouTube Channel: / @frmarkgoring Subscribe to Fr. Ken Lao's YouTube Channel: / kennethlao Subscribe to Father Roger Vandenakker's YouTube Channel: / @frrogerv Companions of the Cross: https://www.companionscross.org/ / companionscross