4 Cardinal Directions | 4 cardinal directions for kids | KooBoo | English Kids Learning
4 Cardinal Directions | 4 cardinal directions for kids | KooBoo | English Kids Learning In this video, all the 4 main or cardinal directions are represented using proper images and a simple, yet fun game. Kids will be able to understand the directions following the instruction of the game. KooBoo presents every video in a fun and creative way so that kids enjoy them. To nurture your kid’s creativity and intelligence, join us. Script:- 4 Cardinal Directions North South East West To see our entire list of videos do check our playlist. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Playlist link:- Playlist link:- English:- • English Hindi:- • Hindi NAMES OF BABY ANIMALS AND BIRDS:- • NAMES OF BABY ANIMALS AND BIRDS Maths:- • Maths 1 to 100 Numbers:- • Number in Words 1 to 100 કાના માત્રા વગરના શબ્દો - ૧:- • ગુજરાતી શબ્દો –૧ કાનાવાળા શબ્દો:- • ગુજરાતી શબ્દો-૨ ઘડિયા:- • ઘડિયા ૧ થી ૧0 બારાક્ષરી:- • બારાક્ષરી ગણિત:- • ગણિત Other social links Youtube:- / @kooboogujarati7333 Facebook:- / koobooproductions Instagram:- / koobooproductions Website:- https://koobooproductions.com/ Video: Registered Under KooBoo Productions, Music and Lyrics: Registered Under KooBoo Productions, KooBoo Productions, all the characters and logos used are the registered trademarks of KooBoo Productions, All rights reserved. #Koobooproductions #4cardinaldirectionsforkids #kidseducation #kidslearningvideos #educationalvideosforkids