APPLE CAKE WITHOUT YOGURT Rustic Juicy quick and easy Recipe for CHRISTMAS

APPLE CAKE WITHOUT YOGURT Rustic Juicy quick and easy Recipe for CHRISTMAS

Quick and easy APPLE CAKE, Recipe for CHRISTMAS. Cake or apple pie and yogurt. Very easy recipe to make, without complications, using the popular yogurt cake as a base. We will obtain a more rustic and appetizing result, and an interior with much more flavor, juicier and moister. A recipe to keep as a treasure. In this video I show you how to make a delicious fluffy and juicy apple cake. Apple pie, apple pie. Modern and Creative Cooking Recipes, They are simple, healthy cooking recipes that are very good for everyone and for Christmas dinner, YOU can PREPARE it at home, Recipe for easy and cheap apple CAKE or CAKE, with few ingredients like grandma would do. Ingredients of this recipe: 2 red or yellow apples 4 slices of sliced ​​bread 2 eggs 100 grams of flour 75 gr. of sugar and 25 gr. more for the background 1 lemon 9 gr. chemical yeast 2 gr. of salt 30 gr. olive or sunflower oil 1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar 1 pinch of salt Oven: 130º - 45 minutes Cook: Javier Perez If you subscribe to my channel    / @recetasdecabral  , you will be helping to generate more videos with the same enthusiasm that I always put into them, thank you. Also follow me if you want on these social networks. Facebook: Twitter: @Easy Cabral Recipes #bizcocho, #bizcochoesponjoso, #comohacerbizcocho, #bizcochoalto, #bizcochofácil, #bizcochos, #recetadebizcocho, #bizcochobasico, #bizcochofacil, #bizcochobasico, #bizcochocasero, #elmejorbizcocho, #bizcochogenoves, #cosdebizcocho, #bizcochodevanilla, #bizcochito, #bizcocho , #makecake, #juicycake, #wetcake, #yogurtcake, #genovesecake, #lemoncake, #applecake, #cakecake, #howtomakeacake, #easyorangecake