Hajra Name Meaning in Urdu | Hajra Naam Ka Matlab
Hajra is originated from Hindi language. There are multiple meaning for Hajra name but best Hajra name meaning in Urdu is "ہجرت کرنے والی ہے". Hajra Name Meaning in English is "Migrant". Hajra is an Islamic name and used for Muslim girls. In this video you will know Hajra name meaning in Urdu. Also, I have shared some interesting facts about the name Hajra. Lucky day, lucky color Hajra lucky stone and Lucky number for name Hajra is also included in this video. This name is very popular and considered as modern Muslim baby name and now getting more popularity.I have also shown the popularity graph of Hajra name. Hopefully, you will love this video because I had deep research before making this video. If you like our videos don't forget to subscribe. Thank you so much.