Ash Wednesday- Feb 22 7pm

Ash Wednesday- Feb 22 7pm

Welcome to Hope! We are glad you are here and look forward to worshiping together this morning. If you have questions, would like more information or want to lift up a prayer request, please comment here or contact our church office at 585-492-2530. To make an offering: Online: Facebook: "Donate Button" Mail: 2 E. Main St, Arcade, NY 14009 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Youth HOPE YOUTH GROUP & KIDZ: No programming this week. Programming resumes March 7. TEAM & VOLUNTEER MEETING FOR HOPE KIDZ AND VOLUNTEERS: All youth leadership team members & middle school volunteers who like to help with HOPE KIDZ should plan to attend. It is a chance to check in, evaluate, and gear up for a fun spring. The meeting will be Tuesday, February 28 at 6:30pm. 7TH-12TH GRADE RETREAT: Registration is now open--March 10-12 at LCLC. Register and learn more: NEW CONFIRMATION DATE: The next confirmation class for 7th-9th graders will be March 19 from 5-7pm. COMMUNION CELEBRATION: Classes will be held the following Sundays at 12noon: March 5,12,19. Our Communion Celebration will take place on Sunday, March 26 during the church service. PRESCHOOL APPLICATIONS: Preschool applications are now being accepted for our fall classes at Hope Preschool: HOPE DAY CAMP: Hope is offering FIVE weeks of 2023 Summer Camp. Hope Day Camp is our faith-based day camp for those children entering Kindergarten- 6th grade this coming 23-24 school year. Daily activities include devotions, science, arts and crafts, music, challenge courses, gym time, free time and more. The program runs from 8:30am-3pm and offers breakfast and lunch each day. The cost is $90/week. (financial assistance is available). Registration and information about applying for a staff position are located at Registration will be capped at 85 kids per week. Apply today! Camp dates for 2023 are: Week 1: July 10-13 | Week 2: July 17-20 | Week 3: July 24-27 Week 4: July 31- | Week 5: August 7-10 FELLOWSHIP & LEADERSHIP WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB/BIBLE STUDY: Ladies of Hope are welcome to gather next Monday, February 27 at 6:30pm at Hope. All are welcome, see Jen Blackwell for questions. ALE HOUSE CHURCH: It’s back! Join Pastor Shawn for an evening of food, drinks and fellowship and a conversation around faith! Beer Justice Brewing Co in Arcade is the new location! This event will be March 6th from 7-8pm. FISH FRYS @ HOPE: Join us for fellowship and fundraising for our delicious Friday Fish Fry on March 10. We will be serving dine-in or take out by timed reservation. Please visit the office to pre-order your meal reservation for the fish fry. You can also order online Meals are $14 and includes deep fried fish, potato salad, coleslaw, roll and dessert, coffee and water. Feel free to bring your own beverage. OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE & SERVE RETREAT SPONSORS: Our youth our headed out of town March 10-12th for spiritual learning and reflection, team building and fun at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center. The weekend events will be led and organized by Pastor Shawn and our youth staff. If you are able, please consider giving the gift of camp to our youth. Examples of sponsorship include… 1/3 Campership- $32 2/3 Campership- $64 Full Campership- $95 Gas Sponsor- $10 Meal Sponsor- $200 Lodge Sponsor- $300 FISH FRY AT HOPE: Friday, March 10 is our final Fish Fry of the year to support Hope. Volunteers and donations are still welcome. Sign-up on the shelf. Volunteer Opportunities: Thursday, March 9 @ 9am Friday, March 10 anytime between 4-7:30pm Donations: Pies- Bake pies and bring them to Hope on Friday before 4pm Fish Sponsor: $50 --All the Fixing Sponsor: $25 --All the Extras Sponsor: $15 VOLUNTEERS FOR HOPE RESPITE: We are having a training session for volunteers for Hope Respite. The training session will be on March 7 at 10am a