Koreans React To BTS being BTS at Award Shows
#BTS #AwardShows #Reaction Koreans React To BTS being BTS at Award Shows Following the v-live reaction, we reacted to the awards ceremony today. BTS makes a really fun award ceremony! How far are their limits? our insta! Xiweol's instagram - / libras_xw ID-Libras_xw DoHwi’s instagram - https://instagram.com/dohwisae?igshid... ID-dohwisae Hooney"s instagram - / ho0ney_bees ID-ho0ney_bees Bambi's instagram - / sun1031_ ID-sun1031_ Jun's instagram - / a.big_boss_ ID-a.big_boss_ JunASMR https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-M...