COD Infinite Warfare - Full Gameplay Walkthrough - No Commentary
COD Infinite Warfare - Full Gameplay Walkthrough - No Commentary. Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Story: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare takes place in a future where Earth's resources have nearly been depleted, forcing governments and businesses to seek them elsewhere in the solar system. As space colonization grew, the nations of the world formed the United Nations Space Alliance (UNSA), to govern space travel, commerce and trade. The Solar Associated Treaty Organization (SATO) is the peace-keeping body of the UNSA. Set just before a devastating attack on earth, you play as Captain Nick Reyes, a Tier 1 Special Operations pilot, as you must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space. Comprised of a splinter group of insurgents that broke away from UNSA during a war of secession years ago, the Settlement Defense Front (SDF) is a fascist power. They're brutal and militant radicals, toughened by extreme off-world environments and conditions. Rear Admiral Salen Kotch - Kit Harington Captain Nick Reyes - Brian Bloom Lieutenant Nora Salter - Jamie Gray Hyder Admiral Raines - John Marshall Jones Private Kashima - Eric Ladin SATO Marines Staff Sergeant Omar - David Harewood Corporal Brooks - Jason Barry ETH.3n - Jeffrey Nordling Bradley Fillion - Conor McGregor PC HD at 2K 1440p 60fps- No commentary - Full walkthrough and gameplay. COD Infinite Warfare - Full Gameplay Walkthrough - No Commentary. COD Infinite Warfare Full Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary and until the last part will include the full Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Gameplay on PC. Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Full Walkthrough Gameplay is recorded in 2K 60FPS on PC and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights. Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Full Gameplay Walkthrough includes the full story, ending and final boss of the game. The game was played, recorded and edited by Syakah Gaming. I've recorded the game in 2K 60FPS on Steam PC. In short, the video includes the full game, ending and all story related scenes. The video includes the ending, full story, all cutscenes, final boss, all bosses, no commentary, all missions and all cinematics. To support Syakah Gaming : 🙏 / syakah To find me on Social Media : 👉 / syakah_gaming 👉 / syakah_gaming 👉 / syakah.gaming 👉 / syakah_gaming To Enjoy All My Full Game Movie & Cutscenes • Full Game Movie & Cutscenes 4K To Enjoy All My Full Gameplay Walkthrough • Full Gameplay Walkthrough 4K #CallOfDuty #Walkthrough #Gameplay #FPSGames #NoCommentary #SyakahGaming #Shooter #CODInfiniteWarfare #InfiniteWarfare #KitHarington