6 Rules Of Money | Rich Dad Poor Dad | Book Summary In Hindi | Rich vs Poor |

6 Rules Of Money | Rich Dad Poor Dad | Book Summary In Hindi | Rich vs Poor |

6 Rules Of Money | Rich Dad Poor Dad | Book Summary In Hindi | #investing #rich #investment #stockmarket #robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #richdadpoordadsummary Friends, for any person in the world to achieve financial freedom, it is most important to have strong financial education. If experts are to be believed, the best way to increase financial education is to read books. This is the reason why many books in the world are written on this topic. The book Rich Dad Poor Dad, written by American author Robert Kiyosaki, is one of those books in the world, which many people have read to achieve goals and achieve success in their lives. In terms of financial education, it is considered the best book in the world. It is counted among the most famous books... Friends, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, writes about his two fathers, one of which is his real father, who is a very educated and hardworking person, and he is a teacher by profession and is financially well off. Are much weaker than. Whom he has named as Poor Dad and the other one is his father who has studied only till eighth class, but due to his strong economic education, he is counted among the biggest and richest business man of his city. That's why Robert calls him Rich Dad. In this entire story, Robert's Rich Dad gives him six important lessons at different stages of his life for thirty years, which are very important to achieve success in life, become rich and remain rich forever. The six lessons told by Robert's Rich Dad can make any person in the world rich and successful and in today's video we will tell you about those 6 important lessons.