Goiter: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
It is a condition in which thyroid gland present in your neck region enlarged. Main cause of goiter is iodine deficiency in diet. It is most common in people living in elevated area of the world. It can be treated by adding appropriate amount of iodine in diet. --------------------------------------------------------------- About me Rida Batool BSc, Bed, MSc Botany Study related to plants Plant researcher, worked on phytoremediation potential of plants especially Maize. Worked to find effect of chromium stress on plants. Actively participated in national and international conference held in colleges and universities. Teaching Biology and other science subjects since last five years. ------------------------------------------------------------- Honors and Awards Included in top ten students in university Best teacher Awards in 2016,2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Studied at Punjab University Lahore ------------------------------------------------------------------- Also join me at Facebook page at Kia Ap Janty Hai --------------------------------- Please subscribe and support my channel Thanks for watching. lifeside, life side