"Parable Before the Palms." Lk. 19:11-28. Receive & Deliver(5). 2024-03-24. Rev. Rachel Kwan. FSBC.

"Parable Before the Palms." Lk. 19:11-28. Receive & Deliver(5). 2024-03-24. Rev. Rachel Kwan. FSBC.

‪@fundyseasidebaptistchurch8580‬ "Parable Before the Palms." What do pastors do when there are no palm leaves for Palm Sunday? The original Greek word that is translated as loss/lose/lost...Just as in our expression in English - "Have you lost your mind?" - it is not asking how come you cannot find where your brain is, to "lose" doesn’t mean you cannot find some thing or someone. It is actually a very heavy word. To lose actually means to kill, to destroy. To lose your life here means to destroy fully, to put out of the way completely, to entirely ruin it, or put it more plainly, to kill it. Quotes from the sermon The kingdom of God means it's all about the king’s rule, not ours.… whether we like God to be the king is not a factor. …It is about his rule and his sovereignty…and we are required by Him to participate, contribute and work hard for Him. Because we understand that whatever it may be, the bottomline is that we never wish to be God’s enemies. We see what happens to His enemies in this parable? Jesus already has made it plain, “Those who seek to save their lives will LOSE them”. (Lk. 17:33a) But If we don’t want to be God’s enemies, then consider how much we would gain as in this parable? 1) He will not condemn us to die as we deserve. AND 2) We will even be rewarded to be His kingdom’s co-rulers, to reign with Him, and we will rule with God one day. 3) What’s more, meanwhile, we are still on earth living this life, we are no longer slaves to a guilty conscience. ...On the contrary, by the Spirit’s grace, we do not need to be ruled over by sin, and we have the power to rule over ...our sinful nature, to overcome our desire to sin, and grow in holiness. For Jesus also said, “Those who seek to lose their lives will save it" (Lk. 17:33b). Save it means He will rescue us from DEATH!! He came to seek and save the lost. Rev. Rachel Kwan. 11:00 AM, Sunday Service, 2024-03-24. Fundy Seaside Baptist Church, NB, Canada. For other sermon videos and audios, please visit our sermon archives @ https://www.fundyseasidechurch.com/ Refresh, renew, recharge with "Sermons at the Seaside"©